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CSV (User-defined)

By using the export format “CSV (User-defined), data is exported in a user-defined format.

The following settings are possible:

  • Mode

    • “All channels in one file”

    • “One file per channel”

  • Settings for region, time zone etc., date and time in separate columns; accuracy and format of time stamps

  • Definition of the columns to be output:

    • Measuring points

    • Channel name

    • Channel number

    • Unit

    • Error code


The header of a CSV file for the creation of which all default settings were left unchanged, appears as follows in this export format:

Measuring point

Channel name

Channel number




Error code

If the table selected for export contains several channels and the mode “All channels in one file” was selected, the date of the individual channels are output one below the other:
First displayed are rows with the values from the first channels, then those from the second etc.

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