What are error codes?
Measured values can contain errors if measurements fail for technical reasons. Along with the actual value and its timestamp, each measured value in Sedrix also carries an error code for this reason.
The value of the error code is normally 0, which means that the measured value it belongs to does not contain an error.
An error code can also be used to indicate that a value could not be calculated during processing/analysis in Sedrix, e.g. due to an incorrect configuration of a function block.
Error classes
Status and error codes are divided into the following error classes according to the severity of the states or errors they indicate:
Codes < 1000: Status codes: No error
Examples:Code 10: Value has been interpolated
Code 900: No data
Code 905: Value is not calculable
Code 910: Not enough data for filtering
Codes >= 1000 but less than 2000: Minor errors
Example:Code 1000: Measured value available but unreliable
Codes >= 2000 but less than 3000: Moderate errors
Examples:Code 2000: Measured value available, but very likely invalid
Codes >= 3000: Serious errors
I.e. no measured value is available
Example:Code 3001: Reference measurement not found
Code 3220: Invalid measured value
Displaying status and error codes
Status and error codes can be displayed if necessary in table evaluations. These evaluations have a setting option for this purpose with the following options:
“Display error codes (only error codes > 10)”
“In separate column (all)”
“In separate column (only error codes > 10)”
“Do not display”
If one of the options for displaying error codes is selected here, any status or error codes that have occurred are displayed in a small box next to the relevant measured value or, if necessary, in a separate column.
The color of the box gives a quick overview concerning the severity of the error:
light blue: status codes and minor errors
Orange: moderate errors
Rot: serious errors
Hover your mouse over an error code box to see a short text description of the error displayed as a tooltip.