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How can manual tachymeter measurements be imported?

To be able to import measurements taken manually with a tachymeter into Sedrix, this data must be converted into a format that Sedrix can read.

We recommend Sedrix Tachymeter CSV, which was developed for this purpose.

Step 1: Create a data source or select an existing one

If no corresponding data source exists, create one in the devices overview:


Please make sure to select the correct coordinate system - this cannot be changed later.

Step 2: Upload files

The data can now be uploaded either via FTP or directly in the web interface.

FTP: The files must be uploaded to the respective import folder. This is recommended when data or lots of files are regularly uploaded at once. However the FTP access will require setting up.

Web interface: In the overview of the data source, select “Upload data” in the context menu. A dialog opens in which files can be uploaded. This is recommended if only a few files are to be uploaded.

Format description: Sedrix Tachymeter CSV

The Sedrix Tachymeter CSV was designed especially for the improt of manual tachymeter measurements. It consists of a header for information regarding the measurements and the actual measurements from the measuring points.


Station;Punktgruppe 1;;;;;;;
Measurement time;2018-04-29T18:34:00+02:00;;;;;;;
Pressure [mBar];950.3;;;;;;;
Dry temperature [°C];14;;;;;;;
Wet temperature [°C];20.4;;;;;;;
Tachymeter length inclination [gon];0;;;;;;;
Tachymeter cross inclination [gon];0;;;;;;;
Coordinate system; CH1903+ ;;;;;;;
Messpunkt;Measurement time;E;Unit;N;Unit;H;Unit;Durchgänge
  • The header defines the device measuring pointPunktgruppe 1 for the measurement time2018-04-29T18:34:00+02:00, followed by meteorological data at the time of measurement and the coordinate system being used.

  • The coordinate system given in the CSV file must correspond to the coordinate system specified when creating the data source!

  • The data division defines the measurement results (coordinates) for the measuring points MTh_5MTh_6 and 101 to 106.

When creating data files, be sure to adhere exactly to the respective format as specified in order to avoid problems during processing. This applies in particular to the notation of decimal numbers: Unless otherwise specified, please use a point as a decimal separator and do not add points as thousands separators.

1.234,5 (Fehler)

1234,5 (Fehler)

1234.5 (Haken)

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