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How can manually measured time-value rows be imported?

To import time-value measurements that were taken manually into Sedrix, they must first be put into a format that can be read by Sedrix.

We recommend Sedrix Logger CSV, which was developed for this purpose.

Step 1: Create data sourceStep or Cctreate data source or select an existing one

If no corresponding datIf no corresponding data source exists, first create one in the device overview:


Please make sure to select the correct data format.

Step 2: Upload files

The data can now be uploaded either via FTP access or directly in the web interface. The files must be uploaded in the corresponding import folder. This is recommended when data or many files are regularly uploaded at once.the corresponding import folder. This is recommended when data or many files are regularly uploaded at once. It requires setting up FTP access.

Web interface: In the overview page of the data source, you can select “Upload data” in the context menu. A dialog opens to upload files. This method is recommended when only a few files are to be uploaded.

Format description: Sedrix Logger CSV

Column 1: Time stamp with time zone
Example: “Date (UTC-5)”

Column 2: Channel name
Example: “Temperature”

Column 3: Unit
Example: “Unit”

Columns 2 and 3 can be repeated as necessary for further channels.

Example for two channels, “CA1” and “CA2”:

Date (UTC-5);CA1;Unit;CA2;Unit;
31.01.2018 16:00;1,3123;bar;0,00;cm;
03.02.2018 08:43;1,3215;bar;-9,41;cm;
07.02.2018 08:37;1,3265;bar;-14,48;cm;
09.02.2018 08:40;1,3284;bar;-16,47;cm;
28.03.2018 09:54;2,4042;bar;-16,47;cm;
30.03.2018 10:09;2,4120;bar;-24,43;cm;
04.04.2018 10:43;2,4189;bar;-31,49;cm;
06.04.2018 09:30;2,4228;bar;-35,47;cm;
11.04.2018 09:30;2,4303;bar;-43,07;cm;
13.04.2018 10:40;2,4303;bar;-43,07;cm;
18.04.2018 11:00;2,4354;bar;-48,32;cm;
20.04.2018 14:10;2,4303;bar;-4
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