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How can measured data be preprocessed?

When creating an assignment between a data source and a measuring point, an input channel is created in the measuring point. This input channel provides the raw data to be processed and displayed further within the measuring point.

Depending on the measuring point type, there are different preprocessing options within the assignment properties

Plausibility check

Applies to:

A range can be defined in which the values must lie. Otherwise they are marked as invalid.

Transfer function

Applies to:

Any formula can be defined here, with m1 as the variable for the raw data from the data source.

For example, to specify that a certain fixed offset value is added to each raw data value, the following must be defined as the transfer function:

m1 + <Offset-Value>.

If not specified by the user, the unit of the integrated device channel is automatically added in square brackets after each occurrence of the variable, e.g. for the voltage unit mV:

m1 [mV] + <Offset-Value>.

The offset value must of course be given in the corresponding unit as well.

Raw values from other channels cannot be used at this point. A function block is used to calculate channels together.

If no formula is given when a new assignment is created, the following formula is automatically added:

m1 [<unit of device channel>]

This means that the measured values from the channel flow directly into further processing.



Entry of offsets for 3D coordinates.

Unit category

Applies to:

When creating an assignment, the category of the unit can be set. Normally the category from the data source is assumed, but should this be incorrect, the category can be overwritten here.

After saving the assignment, the category can no longer be changed.

Unit of result

Applies to:

The channel unit can be changed here.



A filter for the raw data can be set here.

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