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Which elements can be used in an evaluation view?



Depiction online

Depiction in report


Group and tab

Evaluations can be grouped meaningfully using groups and tabs.

Groups and tabs are shown as tabs.

Groups and tabs are shown as headers.



Display of an image.



(Haken) Exported as a file.

File list

Display of files in a specific folder in the file directory.





Display of a simple free text.




Time-value graph

A graph to display time-value data.


(Haken) Added to the report as an image.

(Haken) Exported according to the selected format.

Time-value table

A table to display time-value data.



(Haken) Exported according to the selected format.

Location-value graph

A graph to display location-value data.


(Haken) Added to the report as an image.

(Haken) Exported according to the selected format.

Location-value table

A table to display location-value data.



(Haken) Exported according to the selected format.

Value-value graph

A graph to display value-value data.


(Haken) Added to the report as an image.

(Haken) Exported according to the selected format.

Value-value table

A table to display value-value data.



(Haken) Exported according to the selected format.

Vector graphic

Display of vectors on a user-defined image. Individual measurement channels are assigned to the components of the vectors.


(Haken) Added to the report as an image.

(Haken) Exported according to the selected format.

Event table

Table with vibration events.




(Haken) Is usually exported as a CSV file, depending on the format selected.

Vibration statistics

Peak values of the vibration events plotted over the dominant frequencies.



(Haken) Added to the report as an image.


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