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Function Blocks


With a so-called function block it is possible to mathematically connect input channels of a measuring point. The calculation results are available in the output channels of the measuring point.

Note: The function blocks described below usually expect input values in a certain unit. Accordingly, only channels that are compatible with the respective function block can be chosen as input channels.

General Function Blocks



Application example

Delta reference measurement

Calculates the delta of the last reference measurement

Measurements, where only the difference to a reference value is of interest

User-defined formula

Calculates up to 8 input values using a formula defined by the user

Temperature compensation for a sensor value

Inclinometer chain - differential deformation

Calculates the differential deformation from the entries in an inclinometer chain

Incline measurements

Inclinometer chain - deformation

Calculates the deformation from the entries in an inclinometer chain

Incline measurements

Inclinometer chain - Borehole trajectory

Calculates the borehole trajectory from the entries in an inclinometer chain

Incline measurements

Water level gauge

Evaluates measured values from a water level gauge and outputs differences from the reference point

Location measurements


Calculates camber from the incline measurement of a gauging section

Monitoring of rail tracks

Track distortion

Calculates distortion from the incline values of two gauging sections

Monitoring of rail tracks

Function blocks specifically for tachymetric data



Usage example


Calculates the displacements of a measuring point in relation to the last reference measurement

Monitoring structures


Calculates the incline change of a building structure in relation to the last reference measurement

Monitoring an overhead line mast

Track monitoring

Calculates camber, track distortion, deviation etc. of a defined gauging section in relation to the last reference measurement

Monitoring rail tracks

Track monitoring V2

Calculates camber, track distortion, deviation etc. of a defined gauging section in relation to specifiable reference values of rail head coordinates

Monitoring rail tracks

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