As already mentioned in the Important Terms section, Sedrix works according to projects. Sedrix offers the option of structuring a project by creating folders within the current users’s active project. These folders can be thought of like the folders on a computer which are used to store files in a structured manner within a file system (for example thematically, or according to other criteria). Just like the file system of a computer, it is also possible in Sedrix to create sub-folders in a folder, and sub-sub-folders, etc., in order to create a folder hierarchy, for example to divide the project into sub-projects (whereby you are completely free to organise this subdivision according to your ideas / circumstances).
When a project is created, a first folder, the “project folder”, is created as the top level of this hierarchy. All further levels are optional.
Finally, measuring points are created within folders (in the analogy of the computer file system, these measuring points correspond to files).
The entire folder hierarchy of a project with the measuring points it contains in Sedrix is referred to as the project tree.
The hierarchical relationships between the folders of a project are visualized at various points in an appropriate manner to make it easy for you to always find your way around this folder hierarchy when using Sedrix:
In the project tree: Through corresponding symbols (see below) and connection lines that clearly show the hierarchy
In the folder list of a folder: By listing all direct subfolders of one folder
In the navigation bar: By displaying the path to the current folder, starting at the project folder
Symbols used
: Folder, generally (used in the folder list, as well as in the top right in the folder view). In particular, a closed folder in the project tree (its contents are hidden)
: Open folder in the project tree (its contents are displayed)
(grayed out and superimposed with a struck-through eye symbol ) Folder that is not shown in the project tree (slide switch “Show in project tree” in the folder properties is set to “No”; used in the folder list).
For more details on the representation of folders and interactive options within the project tree, see the Project Tree section.
Folder View
Folders have their own view, the Folder View, which is opened in the data/work area when you select a folder by clicking or tapping on the folder name in the project tree, or by clicking or tapping on the folder name in the list of folders. It is also possible to reach this view by clicking or tapping on the folder name in the navigation bar, if the name is included there. The folder symbol shows it as open in the top right.
The content of this view is spread across multiple tabs for reasons of clarity. This is described in the following sections. If visualization has been configured accordingly for the folder, this is also displayed in a separate tab (see Folder properties, visualization tab).
As is customary, the folder view also has a context menu which is reached by clicking on the folder name beneath the folder symbol in the top right. This contains in particular the “Edit” command, via which you can specify a folder’s properties.
Note: In most of the tabs described below, a user can create new elements (of the type of elements listed in the respective tab). Depending on the type of element, this may require extra licensing and the appropriate user rights. As such, the “+” icon used to create elements is only displayed (on the right) if this is the case. The same applies for the corresponding text links (“Click here to create …”), if the folder does not yet contain the respective element.
“Folders / Measuring points” tab A list of the (sub) folders and measuring points that are directly defined in the current folder, as a sortable and searchable table with the respective names. The names are each given as a link to the respective folder or measuring point. Beside each folder or measuring point name, the row also contains the following important information:
the online status
the number of alerts that have occurred in relation to the data of the measuring point or its assigned devices
the names - also given as links - of the devices assigned to the measuring point
Hidden measuring points (i.e. measuring points that are not displayed in the project tree) are marked as such with a grayed-out measuring point symbol overlaid with a struck-through eye symbol ().
Interactive options:
Sorting: Clicking on the header of a column sorts the table according to the values of the column.
Searching: Enter a search term in the search field in the top right above the table (incremental search).
The names of measuring points are links, clicking on a link leads you to the respective measuring point view.
Use the buttons at the end of each row to call up functions that can be used in the measuring point - the buttons shown here depend on the user’s rights!
UNBEKANNTER ANHANG: Measuring point edit mode
: Log overview
: Alert overview
: Duplicate (“clone”) a measuring point (from Version 2.13). Clicking here opens a dialog to specify the duplication parameters.
Button on the right above the list of measuring points
: Manage several measuring points at once (from Version 2.11). See Manage Measuring Points.
“Blasting operations” tab (Vibration/seismic measurement” module with blasting module only) Note: This tab is only displayed when you have checked the box “Show blasting list” in the folder properties. Here, the maximum last 5 blasts are shown with their essential properties such as measuring point name and peak values according to norm. See Folder Properties, blasting tab for details on defining a blast.
“Reports” tab (Vibration/seismic measurement” module only) “Berichte” A list of the available report templates and the reports created using them. For details on using the functions available here, see Reports.
“Files” tab A list of all the files that have been uploaded to this folder with their essential properties such as name, date of creation and file size. The files available here can be used as background images for visualization.
Create a folder
To create a new folder, first switch to the folder view of the folder in which you want to create a new (sub-) folder. In the case of a newly created project, the only existing folder is the so-called project folder (see the introduction in the Folders section). If this is the case, switch to this folder by clicking on its name in the project tree.
Click on the “+” icon that is displaed above the list of folders, or - if the folder does not yet contain any sub-folcers - on the “Click here to create a new folder” text link (see the notes on the visibility of this icon or link in the section above).
In the Create dialog that opens, enter the desired properties of the folder being created in the “Properties” and “General” tabs. It is necessary to give the folder aname that is unique within in the project.
Then click on “Save” to create the folder.
Once the folder has been created, you can make more changes to the folder’s properties. See Folder Properties.
Click on “Save” again.
Folder properties
Folders have many different properties that can be specified in the Create dialogue or in the Edit mode. For reasons of simplicity, they are divided into different tabs. First click on the Edit mode of the folder whose properties you wish to change, then on the respective tab.
“General” tab
Name Text field to enter a name for the folder. The name must be unique within the project
Description Text field to enter a description (optional). This is used as a subtitle in the folder list.
Parent folder (if the folder is not the project folder) Dropdown menu to select a superordinate folder from the list of all folders in the current project. Default: the folder in which the current folder was created. This property can only be changed after the folder has been created.
Display in project tree (if the folder is not the project folder) Slide switch to specify if the current folder should be displayed in the project tree or not. Default: “Yes”. The project folder is always displayed in the project tree.
Automatically refresh page (“Auto refresh”) Slide switch to specify if the folder view should be automatically refreshed or not. Default: “Ja”.
Interval for page automatic refresh Dropdown menu to select the time interval after which the folder view should be automatically reloaded.
“Visualization” tab The following properties determine the visualization, firstly for the folder currently being edited and then, insofar as you can specify such a visualization for all folders of the folder hierarchy of a project (i.e. for all folders of the project tree, including those of the entire current project, see Visualization:
Type Dropdown menu to specify the type of visualization. Default: “Google Maps”. Other options: “User-defined image” (see below for details on uploading an image file for this purpose). If “Google Maps” is selected, further text fields to specify the map selection are displayed. If “User-defined image” is selected, a “Select file…” button is displayed, via which the File dialog to select select the image file on the local computer can be started.
Display visualization Dropdown menu to specify if or how the visualization should be displayed. Default: “Do not display”. Further options: “Display in index”, “Display above”.
For further details on these folder properties, see the section on visualization properties. To set up a visualization in context, see Visualization and the subsections there.
“Blastings” tab
Note: This functionality requires extra licensing.
Display blasting list Checkbox to specify whether or not an additional "Blastings" tab with the blasting list is displayed in the folder view. Default: Not checked.
Detection interval for blasting Text field to specify a time interval in seconds in which a matching event is searched for before and after the blast time.
Type Dropdown menu to specify the type of blasting operation. Default: “Tunnel”. Further options: “Quarry”.
Type of detonating cord Text field to enter the type of detonating cord.
Type of explosive Text field to enter the type of explosive.
Note: The entries made here are used as default values for new blasting, see “Blasting Operations”.
“Folder access rights” tab (Title of this folder before Version 2.12: Access rights.)
Assigned user groups A table that lists the user groups within the current project. Beside the name of the user group, the “Current user belongs to the user group” column shows you if the user that you are currently logged in as belongs to this user group (“Yes”) or not (“No”). Check or uncheck the checkboxes for the user groups that should have access to the folder currently being edited i.e. if they should be allowed to open it.
Note: This setting option corresponds to the corresponding setting options for a user group, "Assigned folders" tab (see the section on User group properties): While you can assign or revoke the access right to the current folder for several user groups at once here, the access rights of the currently edited user group can be assigned or revoked for several folders at once there.
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