Sedrix is a modern web-based data portal that can be operated from any Internet-enabled device with a current browser. For security reasons, this is of course not allowed for any Internet user, but only for users for whom a user account has been created in Sedrix, and who first have to authenticate themselves to Sedrix with their user account data - user name and password - when establishing a connection to the Sedrix, as is usual with modern operating systems (see Log In and Log Off).
As also known from many (multi-user) operating systems, Sedrix contains both “normal” users with well-defined, in certain ways restricted rights (as explained below) and privileged users with extended rights (for the latter, see User Roles). The former are intended for actually working with Sedrix, the latter for carrying out configuration tasks.
Accordingly, Sedrix has a user administration where a privileged user (see User Roles) can create new user accounts or edit existing ones, i.e. change the properties stored in Sedrix. As a privileged user, the user administration can be accessed via the “User” button in the menu.
In addition to the “right” to be able to log on to the Sedrix, a normal, i.e. non-privileged user initially has very limited rights. Further rights can, however, be assigned to the user as required, in a finely tuned manner via the definition of a so-called user roles to which the user is assigned (see User Group Properties for details on the assignment of rights).
Which user roles exist?
In addition to standard users, there are also users in special roles with which cross-project rights are associated and which cannot be restricted even by user group rights (see User group properties). There are two user roles:
Super Administrator Users in this role have the most access to the system. An IT admin who also manages the system is generally given this role. The typical tasks of a super administrator consist of setting up and updating the system.
Administrator Users in this role see everything, except for certain setup information such as file paths, and are allowed to do everything. This role is intended for users who do not necessarily manage the IT, but who do manage Sedrix across all projects. The typical tasks are creating and managing projects, users and user groups.
Assigning these roles is done in the Edit mode of a user, see the section on User Properties.
Working as a privileged user is generally only intended for setup and maintenance purposes. You should be logged in as a standard user to work "normally".
User Properties
The following user properties can be set in a Sedrix user account.
Note: For the (initial) creation of a user account, only the username, a name and a password must be assigned. All other properties described here can be specified after reopening the editing mode of a user account.
General Properties
Username (required) Text field to enter the user name, i.e. the name with which a user logs in to Sedrix (hence also “login name”). This name must be unique within Sedrix, i.e. a name cannot be assigned multiple times, must not contain any spaces and cannot be changed later. As such, this field can only be edited when creating a new user; when editing, only the – now fixed – name is displayed here).
Name (required) Text field to enter the (actual) name of the user. It is a good choice to enter the “Real World” name of the user for whom the access is set up. It may contain spaces, so that the input of a name as <first name> <surname> is possible, for example. The user is listed under this name in the “User management” and “User groups” lists (it is the user’s “display name”). If the user is currently logged in, this name is also displayed at the top right as the name of the logged-in user.
Description (optional) Text field to enter a freely definable description, e.g. for storing the position/tasks of the user.
Company (optional) Text field to enter a company name
Email address (required) Text field to enter a valid email address.
Mobile phone number (optional; but see the restriction below) Text field to enter a mobile phone number. This must be given along with the country code and it should consist of at least 8 digits. Example: +4947110815. If either “All” or “SMS” has been selected as communication channel in one of the dropdown menus below, it is mandatory to enter a telephone number under “Mobile phone number”.
Notifications Settings
Disable notifications Slide switches to deactivate/activate all notifications (See Notifications and Alert Messages). If the slider switch is set to “Yes”, sending notifications and alert messages by Sedrix to the user is completely off.
Communication channel for notifications Dropdown menu to select the ways/channels in which the Sedrix sends notifications to the user.
Communication channels for alerts Dropdown menus for the detailed selection of email and/or SMS as communication channels for alert messages, separated by alert levels (pre-alert, alert, main alert) and the reason for the message (start end, escalation, confirmation). Possible options: “No notifications”, “Email”, “SMS”, “All” (i.e. both email and SMS).
Set/Change Password
Change password Slide switch to make the following text fields editable in order to define a new password for the user.
Password (when creating a new user) or New password (when editing an existing user) Text field for entering a password. Must contain at least six characters.
Confirm password Text field to re-enter the password. As is usually the case when setting passwords, Sedrix will ask you to enter the password a second time in order to avoid typing errors.
User Role and Assigned Projects
Administrator Slide switch to assign the “Administrator” role (also: site administrator). Default: “No”, i.e. the user is a non-privileged user (“default user”).
Super administrator Slide switch to assign the role “Super-Administrator”. Default: “No”, i.e. the user is a non-privileged user (“default user”).
Only a super-administrator user can assign another user as a super-administrator (an administrator cannot do this). Assigning the role of an administrator or a super-administrator, i.e. to make a user a privileged user with extended rights, is generally not recommended for productive operation.
Assigned projects List of projects that have been defined within the Sedrix (not including deleted projects), with a checkbox before the name of each project. Check the respective checkbox to select the projects that the user should be able to access and edit.
Note: A user in the role of “Administrator” or “Super-Administrator” has access to all projects. The “Assigned Projects” property is not relevant for these users, and project selection is disabled. To illustrate this, the mouse pointer becomes a small prohibition sign as soon as you move the mouse over one of these checkboxes (and clicking on it will have no effect).
User Groups
List of the to user groups which the user currently being edited belongs. The names of the user groups are given as links. Clicking on a name opens the edit view of the corresponding user group.
Archived Slide switch to archive a user. Default: “No”, i.e. the user is not archived.
If the user account is temporarily no longer needed, it can be archived. This means that the user and their access data and other properties remain in the system, but the user can no longer be selected as a member when editing a user group. An archived user can also still log into Sedrix. An archived user can be “reactivated” (de-archived) at any time by moving the slide switch.
How can I create a new user?
In order to create users or to change the properties of existing users, you must be logged in as a privileged user (see User Roles).
Step by step:
Click on the bottom left "Users" menu icon
Then click on the "Add" button
or select the "Create new user" command in the context menu.
Enter the relevant information and finally click on "Save".
Further user properties (see the section on user properties) can only be specified after saving the user for the first time.
Change User Properties
You can view and change the properties of users at any time (as long as you have the necessary rights).
Change User Properties For Any User - for privileged users only
Note: Editing the properties of any user is only allowed if you are logged in as a privileged user (see User Roles).
Open the user management by clicking on the “User” icon in the menu.
Right click on the “Edit” icon
in the line of the user whose properties you want to change.
In the edit mode of the user now opened make the desired changes (see also User Properties for details on the individual properties).
Click “Save” to save your changes.
Important: The user name (not the display name) that was selected when creating the user cannot be changed afterwards (as already pointed out in the information about creating a user).
Note: The rights of a user are granted not via properties of the user, but via user groups in which the user is a member, see User Group Properties.
Change Own Account Properties
See Manage Account. Please note that there are properties, like the projects assigned to your user or its role, that cannot be changed by yourself. If necessary, please contact your system administrator.
Change User Password
Change Any User Password - for privileged users only
Note: Changing the password of any user is only allowed if you are logged in as a privileged user (see User Roles).
Open the user administration by clicking on the “User” icon in the menu.
Click on the “Edit” icon
in the row of the user whose password you want to change.
In the edit mode of the user now opened, click on the “Change password” slide switch to make the following two text fields editable in order to enter the new password.
Enter the new password under “New password” and then a second time under “Repeat password” (to avoid typing errors).
Click on “Save” to set the new password.
Change Own Account Password
To change the password of the user you are currently logged in as, proceed as follows:
Call up the Manage Account function by executing the corresponding command in the context menu, which can be opened by clicking on the user name at the top right of the header.
In the edit mode of the user that now opens, click on the “Change password” slide switch to make the following two text fields editable in order to enter the new password.
Enter the new password under “New password” and then a second time under “Repeat password” (to avoid typing errors).
Click on “Save” to set the new password.
You can also change other properties of your own user account using this function, see Manage Account.
Manage Own Account
With the "Manage Account" function, you can edit the properties of the user you are currently logged in as. The view that opens is a slightly limited version of "Change User Properties" and is available to every logged in user, but only allows you to change properties of your own user account.
To execute this function,
Click on the user name in the top right corner of the header.
Select the “Manage account” command from the context menu that appears.
Make the desired changes in the edit mode of the user that now opens (see also User Properties for details on the individual properties).
Click on “Save” to save your changes.
Important: The user name (not the display name) selected when creating the user cannot be changed afterwards (as already pointed out in the information about creating a user).
Note: Please note that you cannot assign yourself another role (i.e. with extended rights), or other projects here. Please contact your system administrator if necessary.
How can I delete a user?
To delete a user, the user must be open for editing.
In order to be able to delete a user, you must be logged in as a privileged user (see User Roles).
In the row of the user that you want to delete, click on the "Edit" icon
In the now opened Edit view, open the context menu of this view by clicking on the "User" label.
Select the "Delete" command.
Click on "Delete" in the dialog window that opens to confirm the deletion. If you have have selected the incorrect user, you can still cancel the deletion by clicking on "Cancel".
The user that is currently logged in cannot delete themselves!
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