As outlined at the beginning under Important Concepts, Sedrix works according to projects. This means that before working with Sedrix, a project must first of all be created and configured as the "main administration unit". This is done in the "project management" view. This is accessed by clicking on the icon or the "Projects" link in the main menu. Here it is possible (depending on your rights as user, see also info box below) to create new projects, edit existing ones, and archive or delete projects.
In the following sections, the configurable properties of a project are explained in detail.
Note: The "Project Management" function is only available to privileged users (super-administrators and administrators, see User Roles), or to users with the corresponding rights. Non-privileged users or users with read-only rights for projects can only access the project overview, for example to select another project as the current project from the list of projects (assigned to the current user). Moreover, the creation of new projects is only permitted to privileged users.
Project Overview
In the project overview, the projects created in Sedrix are listed in a table along with some essential properties, in particular their names. In addition, you can see at a glance whether alerting is activated for a project.
Interactive options:
Sorting: A click on the header of a column sorts the table according to the values of this column.
Searching: Enter a search term (incremental search) in the search field at the top right of the table.
The names of projects are links - clicking on such a link leads to the Dashboard view of the project.
Current project: In addition, clicking on the name of a project causes the project to become the current project. This remains the case until you make another project the current project (Sedrix remembers which is the current project between sessions, so you don't need to select the current project every time you log in to Sedrix).
Buttons at the end of each line of the list are used to call up functions that apply to the current project:
: Opens the edit mode of the project (depending on the rights of the user)
: Opens the Setup mode of the project (contains very basic configuration options; only for privileged users)
Note: Creating projects is only allowed for privileged users (super-administrators and administrators, see User Roles) or users with the corresponding rights. In addition, not every license model allows further projects to be created.
In the menu, click on the "Projects" icon. The list of all projects created so far is displayed.
Click on the "Add" button on the right above the project list to start creating a new project.
In the Create view that now opens, define the project properties by entering the corresponding data in the respective areas.
Finally click on "Save".
When creating a new project, initially only a unique name has to be assigned, and for all further project properties the default values can be used. These can be changed later, see Change Project Properties.
Project Properties
The (quite numerous) project properties can be classified into several categories. For the sake of clarity, each of these categories is represented by a tab within which the input elements for the properties of the respective category are placed.
Select the respective tab by clicking on it to view and change its properties:
The contents of the individual tabs and the project properties presented there are described in detail in the following sections.
Project Properties - General
You can make the following settings for the general project properties:
Project name Text field to enter a unique project name. I.e. each project in Sedrix must have a different project name! This name can be changed at any time.
Description Text field to enter a (short) description. This text appears in the project overview as an addition after the project name.
Archived Slide switch to determine whether the project is “archived” and therefore “no longer active”. Default: “No”. If “Yes”, the current project is marked as “archived”. An archived project is no longer displayed in the current project list under “Projects”. To nevertheless list such a project, click on the “Archived Projects” text link in the project view (will be displayed as soon as at least one archived project exists). An archived project is still present in Sedrix (it will not be deleted by switching to “Yes”), and can be in particular edited. This means that it can be un-archived or reactivated at any time by moving the slide switch back to “No”.
Alerting Slide switch to define whether sending of alert notifications for this project is generally deactivated (see also Info box in the Edit view). If “On”, notifications for this project will be sent in the case of an alert (via SMS and/or e-mail), if “Off”, no such notifications will be sent. Default: “Off”. For the user-specific setting for sending (general) notifications, see User Properties, Settings For Notifications.
Start view Dropdown menu that can be used to set which view should be displayed by default after logging in. See also Start View. Default: Dashboard.
Auto refresh dashboard Slide switch to select whether to automatically reload the view Dashboard (every 60 s). Default: “On”.
Auto refresh device list Slide switch to specify whether the Device overview should be reloaded automatically (every 60 s). Default: “On”.
Coordinate system Dropdown menu to select the coordinate system to be used in the project, e.g. ETRS89, DHDN, CH1903+.
Coordinate notation Dropdown menu to select the names of the coordinate axes to be used (“E | N | H” or “Y | X | Z”, or “Automatic”).
Hide elements in project tree below a certain level Dropdown menu to select the level from which the underlying elements in the project tree (folder and measuring points in it) are to be hidden, i.e. displayed as a “collapsed” folder All levels above in the hierarchy will be displayed as “expanded” folders
. You can expand a collapsed folder and collapse a collapsed folder at any time by simply clicking on the respective folder icon.
“Off”: Nothing is hidden, i.e. the entire project hierarchy is displayed. All folders and subfolders are displayed expanded.
“Level 1”: The project hierarchy is completely hidden, only the project folder (= level 1) is displayed as a collapsed folder.
“Level 2: The project folder is displayed as an expanded folder, the top level of the project hierarchy is displayed and all folders of this level are displayed as collapsed folders,
etc. (up to incl. “Level 5”).
Project Properties - Logo
In the “Logo” tab, an image file, e.g. your company logo, can be stored in the project as a logo for the project. This is then displayed in the main menu at the top. You can also enter a web address here, for example the link to your company website. A click on the logo in the main menu then opens the linked website in a new browser tab.
The following steps should be carried out:
Click on “ Choose file…” and select a suitable (not too large, see the hint displayed here) logo file (image file) in the now opened file dialog of your local computer and click on “OK” to close the file dialog.
Under “Logo Web Link”, specify the link of the web page to which a click on the logo should lead.
Then click “Save” to save your changes and upload the selected file.
Project Properties - Region and Time
In the “Region and Time” tab, you can set the following selection of properties:
Language Dropdown menu to select the language to be used in the project Default: Determined by the language selected for the Sedrix web interface in the header. See Language of the Sedrix Interface.
Region Dropdown menu to select the formats to be used for the display or output of numbers, currencies, dates and times. Default: Determined by the language selected for the Sedrix web interface in the header. See Language of the Sedrix Interface.
Time zone Dropdown menu to select the time zone to be used in the project. Default: “Europe/Berlin (UTC +01:00)”
Automatically switch to daylight savings time Slide switch to determine whether the time change to/from DST should be automatic or not. Default: Yes.
These settings only affect the current project, such as for templates, emails etc.
Project Properties - Contact
You can define a (different) contact person for each project. You can enter the contact details describing this person in the “Contact” tab (all details are optional):
Company name
Contact person
This contact data is displayed after executing the menu command “Help > Contact” in the header.
Project Properties - Threshold Values for Measured Values Highlighting
In the “Limits for highlighting” tab you can enter limit values in percent for the highlighting of measured values in different colors:
Limit value 1 If this limit value is exceeded, the measured value is marked yellow.
Limit value 2 If this value is exceeded, the measured value is highlighted in orange.
Limit value 3 If this value is exceeded, the measured value is marked red.
Please note that the following rule must be observed when specifying these values: Limit value 1 < Limit value 2 < Limit value 3.
Project Properties - Administrator Info
The “Administrator Info” tab is used to display information that is only relevant and intended for administrators, such as FTP access data.
Note: This information is only displayed here and is cannot be edited, so it is purely informative! This information can only be stored in the project by a super administrator (see User Roles) in the project setup view (accessible via the setup icon in the project overview).
Global Variables
Variables serve as placeholders for values that have been centrally defined elsewhere. A variable can be entered in an input field of a function block or an evaluation, like a normal value (include $ as part of the variable name). Sedrix then reads in the value assigned to the variable. A value that is required in several places only has to be entered in one place. It can then be used as often as required and changed quickly and centrally if necessary.
When using variables, it must be noted that these are only entered in fields that correspond to their assigned value. For example, if a variable is assigned a text as a value, it can only be entered in fields that allow text input, not in those that require numerical input.
There are two types of variables:
1. Global variables: Global variables are not defined in a single measuring point, but in the project settings. Global variables can be used throughout the entire project, i.e. in all measuring points belonging to the project.
2. Measuring point variables, or local variables: Separate variables can be created for measuring points, but in contrast to global variables, these can only be used in input fields of the respective measuring point. More details here.
Set up global variables:
To create a global variable, go to the page of the project folder for which the variable is to be created. There click on the house icon on the right and select the item “Edit project settings” in the context menu that appears.
Select the “Global Variables” tab on the page that now opens. New variables can be entered in the text field or existing variables can be changed. When all changes have been completed, the entry can be closed by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.
Define global variables:
To create variables and assign a value to them (to define them), you can simply enter them in the text field.
The name of each variable must begin with the $ character. The following part of the name can be chosen freely. After the equal sign, the value which is to be assigned to the variable can be entered.
$VariableName = VariableValue
Change Project Properties
The properties of a project can – if you have the corresponding rights – be viewed and, if necessary, changed at any time in the Edit mode of the project:
Click on the project button in the menu (or alternatively select the Projects function in the main menu).
In the project overview that is now displayed, click on the “Edit” button at the end of the line of the project whose properties you want to view or change.
Check or change the desired properties.
Click on “Save” to save the changes.
The dashboard gives you a quick overview of the most important information about the current project:
Devices, arranged by device type (see Sedrix Modules). This shows
the number of devices connected and active or inactive is displayed
Log entries for the Sedrix server Display of global (Sedrix-wide) log messages, e.g. regarding licensing or regarding maintenance.
You reach the dashboard of the current project by clicking on the “Dashboard” icon . You can also set in the project management for each project under General that the dashboard is displayed automatically as start view after login, see Select Start View.
Clicking on one of the boxes shown here with a light grey background leads to the relevant detailed view:
For the “device boxes” to the device overview. Click on at the end of the device line to see its device log
In the boxes in the “LOG Sedrix Server” section, select the “Log” view to display the user log
Note: The user log of measuring points can be viewed via the corresponding measuring point view in the “log entries” area (at the bottom of the view).
Select Current Project
When a user is working with Sedrix, only one project is active, the so-called current project. Since a project is the “main administration unit” and everything else such as folders, measuring points, devices, etc. are linked to the project, you first have to select the project you want to work with as the current project if you have previously worked with another project – this, however, only requires a few clicks of the mouse.
in the menu (or the link “Projects” in the main menu).
In the project list, simply click on the name of the desired project.
This will make this project the current project and, if the user has read permissions for the dashboard, the dashboard view of the current project will be opened automatically.
Note: This choice is preserved until you make another project the current project (Sedrix remembers the current project between sessions, so you don’t need to select the current project every time you log on to Sedrix).
Select Start View
In the edit mode of a project you can select in the “General” tab which view should be displayed by default after logging in. This is the start view. In the “Start View“ dropdown menu, the following options are available:
The Setup view of a project contains very basic configuration options, which may only be carried out by a privileged user (see User Roles). The view can be accessed from the project overview by clicking on the setup icon (only visible for a privileged user). It allows you to make the following settings:
Path to the data directory of the project
Settings for data import
Storage of various project-related information (formless) for administrators (e.g. FTP access data can be stored here). The information stored here is displayed in the edit mode of the project in the “Administrator Info” tab (but cannot be edited there, cf. Project Properties - Administrator Info
Project Inbox Items - For Privileged Users Only
In the Inbox items view of a project, the files with measurement data that are sent by measuring devices to the project in Sedrix and that are to be processed by Sedrix are listed as so-called “inbox items”. This view can only be opened by a privileged user (see User Roles). It is reached from the Projektübersicht by clicking on the import icon (only visible for a privileged user) and lists the following information in the “Import queue” table :
Status of the import (“completed”, “in progress” etc.)
Type of file (“Glötzl CSV” etc.)
Timestamp of receiving and processing the file, etc., the duration of processing
Name and size of the file etc.
The table can be sorted by clicking on a column header and searched by entering a search string in the search field above the table.
In addition, a re-import of a file can be triggered from this view by clicking on the button.
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