As outlined at the beginning under Important Concepts, Sedrix works according to projects. As such, Sedrix allows users to create folders as a structuring option for a project within the current user’s active project. These folders are similar to the folders (or directories) on a computer that are used to store files in a structured way (e.g. thematically or according to other criteria) within the file system. Like the file system of a computer, Sedrix allows the creation of sub-folders within a folder, and sub-sub-folders within this folder, etc. This results in a folder hierarchy which organizes the project into sub-projects. You are completely free to design this subdivision according to your own ideas/requirements.
When you create a project, an initial folder known as the “project folder” is created as the top level of this hierarchy. All other levels are optional.
Measuring points are eventually created within folders. Keeping to our comparison with a computer file system, these measuring points correspond to the files.
The entire folder hierarchy of a project and the measuring points contained within it in Sedrix is called the project tree.
In order to enable a simple orientation within this folder hierarchy at any time while using Sedrix, the hierarchical references between the folders of a project are visualized in different places in appropriate ways:
In the project tree: By appropriate symbols (see below) and connecting lines which clearly emphasize the hierarchy
In the folder list of a folder: By listing all direct sub-folders of a specific folder
In the navigation bar: By displaying the path to the current folder, starting from the project folder
Symbols used
: Folder (used in folder list, as well as top right in Folder View); special: closed folder (contents hidden) in the project tree
: Open folder (contents displayed) in the project tree
, grayed out and overlaid by a “crossed-out eye” symbol (), Folder that is not displayed in the project tree (slide switch “Show in project tree” in the folder properties set to “No”; used in the folder list)
For more details on the representation of folders and interactive features within the project tree, see Project Tree.
Folder View
Folders have their own view, the folder view. This is displayed in the data/work area when a folder is selected by clicking/tapping the name in the project tree, or by clicking/tapping the name of the folder in the folder list (or alternatively by clicking/tapping the name in the navigation bar, if the name is contained there). It is marked as such in the top right corner by the folder symbol .
For a better overview the contents displayed in this view are divided into several tabs, which are described below. If the visualization for the folder has been configured accordingly, it is also displayed in a separate tab (see Properties of Folders, Visualization Tab).
As usual, a folder view also has a context menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the name of the folder below the folder icon in the upper right corner. It contains in particular the “Edit” command which opens the Edit mode view of the folder, in order to edit the properties of the folder.
Note: In most of the tabs described below, it is intended that a user can create new elements (matching the element types listed in each tab). Depending on the element type, this requires appropriate licensing and sufficient user rights. This means that the “+” icon which should be clicked in order to create an element is only displayed (on the right) if this is the case. The same is true for the corresponding text links “Click here to create a new … if the folder does not yet contain a corresponding element.
"Folders / Measuring Points" Tab Lists the measuring points defined directly in the current folder as a table that you can sort or search through. In addition to the name of a measuring point, which is presented as a link to the respective measuring point, each line also lists the following important information:
the number of alerts that have occurred concerning the measuring point’s data or the devices assigned to it
the names of the devices assigned to the respective measuring point (also displayed as links).
Hidden measuring points (i.e. measuring points not displayed in the project tree) are indicated by a grayed out measuring point symbol superimposed by a “crossed-out eye” symbol .
Interactive features:
Sort: Click on the column which contains the values according to which you want to sort the table.
Search: Enter a search term (incremental search) in the search field at the top right of the table.
The names of the measuring points are links; clicking on such a link leads to the measuring point view of the measuring point.
Buttons at the end of each line of the list are used to call up functions to be applied to the measuring point, for example.User rightsdetermine which buttons are displayed here!
: Opens the Edit mode of the measuring point
: Opens the log overview
: Opens the Alert overview
: Cloning (copying) of a measuring point (from version 2.13). Clicking this opens a cloning dialog, in which Settings for cloning can be entered
Button right above the measuring point list:
: For managing several measuring points at once (from version 2.11). See Manage Measuring Points
“Blasting Operations” Tab (Vibration module with Blasting module only) Note: This tab is only displayed if you have selected the checkbox “Show blasting list” in the Folder properties. Here the (max.) five most recent blasting operations are listed along with their most important properties, such as name of the measuring point and peak values according to the standard. For the definition of a blasting operation see Folder Properties, Blasting Operations Tab
"Reports" Tab (Vibration module only) Lists the available report templates and the reports generated from them. For details on using the functions available here, see Reports.
"Files" Tab Lists the files uploaded to this folder with the most important properties such as name, creation date and file size. The files available here can be used as a background image for the Visualization.
Create Folder
To create a new folder, first switch to the folder view of the folder in which you want to create a new folder or sub-folder. In the case of a newly created project, only the so-called project folder exists (see folders). If this is the case, switch to this folder by clicking on its name in the project tree.
Then click on the "+" icon, . Alternatively, if the folder does not yet contain a sub-folder, click on the text link "Click here to create a new folder" (see notes on the visibility of this icon or this link in the section referenced above).
In the "Create" dialog that opens enter the desired properties of the folder to be created in "General" tab of "Settings". Make sure to assign a name that is unique within the entire project - this name is mandatory.
Folders have a variety of properties that can be specified in the Create dialog or in the Edit mode. For the sake of clarity, these are displayed in several different tabs. Please click on the corresponding tab in the Edit mode of the folder whose properties you want to change.
"General" Tab
Name Text field to enter the name of the folder. The name must be unique within the whole project
Description Text field to enter a description (optional). Used as a subtitle in the folder list.
Parent folder (if folder is not the project folder) Dropdown menu to select the parent folder from the list of all folders of the current project. Default: the folder within which the current folder was created. This setting can only be changed after the folder has been created.
Display in project tree (if folder is not the project folder) Slide switch to specify whether or not the current folder should be displayed in the project tree. Default: "Yes". The project folder is always displayed in the project tree.
Auto refresh view ("Auto refresh") Slide switch to specify whether or not the folder view should be reloaded automatically. Default: "Yes".
Auto refresh interval Dropdown menu to select the time interval after which the folder view is to be automatically reloaded.
Visualization" Tab The following properties define the visualization, firstly the visualization of the currently edited folder, and then of the whole current project, insofar as such a visualization can be specified for all folders of the folder hierarchy of a project (i.e. for all folders of the project tree). See Visualization.
Type Dropdown menu to specify the type of visualization. Default: "Google Maps". Other options: "Custom image" (see below to upload an image file to be used for this purpose). If "Google Maps" is selected as type, additional text fields will be displayed to specify the map section. If "Custom Image" has been selected as type, a "Choose File..." button will be displayed, via which the file dialog for selecting the image file will be opened on the local computer.
Display visualization Dropdown menu to specify if or how the visualization is to be displayed. Default: "No display". Further options: " Display in tab", " Display on top".
Note: This functionality requires separate licensing.
Show blasting operation list Checkbox to specify whether or not an additional "Blasting operations" tab with the blasting operation list is displayed in the folder view. Default: Not selected.
Blasting detection interval Text field to specify a time interval (in seconds) during which the system searches for a matching event before and after the blasting time.
Type Dropdown menu to specify the type of detonation. Default: "Tunnel". Further option: "Quarry".
Type of detonation cord Text field to specify the detonating cord type.
Type of explosive Text field to specify the explosives type.
Note: The specifications made here serve as default values for newly created blasting operations, see "Blasting Operations".
"Folder Access Rights" Tab (Up until version 2.12, this tab was named “Access Rights”.)
Assigned User Groups Table that lists the user groups of the current project. Behind the name of a user group, the column "Current user belongs to user group" indicates whether the user you are currently logged in as is assigned to this user group ("Yes") or not ("No"). Select or deselect the checkboxes of the user groups that are allowed to access the currently edited folder, i.e. to switch to it.
Note:This option corresponds to the corresponding options for a user group in the "Assigned Folders" tab (see User Group Properties): While it is possible here to assign or revoke access rights to the current folder for several user groups at once, in the “Assigned folders” tab it is possible to assign or revoke access rights to the currently edited user group for several folders at once.
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